International Academic School
                                                                       REGISTRATION FORM

  • Welcome and thank you for choosing International Academic School as the prospective school for your child.
  • If you have registered in the recent past, please enter your mobile number to add a new student. If not, you may register for the first time by filling in the given fields.
  • To print the form please use the registration number.
  • AGE GROUP/Date of Birth required for 2024-2025 academic year are:
     KG1 – SEPT 1 2019 to AUG 31, 2020
     KG2 – SEPT 1 2018 to AUG. 31, 2019
     GRADE 1 – SEPT 1, 2017 to AUG 31, 2018
  • AGE GROUP/Date of Birth required for 2025-2026 academic year are:
     KG1 – SEPT 1 2020 to AUG 31, 2021
     KG2 – SEPT 1 2019 to AUG. 31, 2020
     GRADE 1 – SEPT 1, 2018 to AUG 31, 2019
  • The symbol * represents mandatory fields.
Primary Mobile No:Reg No:
STUDENT DETAILS PARENT DETAILS                                                               
Date 29/03/2025    
Ac.Year to which admission sought*                             

Father's full Name *                                          
Curriculum to which admission is sought Father Nationality  *
Student's Full Name  *
Father Mobile*

Date of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy) : *

Father Email*
Gender :*
Father Emirates ID No.                                                      

Grade to which admission is sought * Occupation
Nationality  * Father Employer  *
Religion *

Mother's Name *
Student Emirates ID No.* Mother Nationality *

Country of Birth  *

Mother Mobile


 Mother Email
Previous School
(For KG Type NA) *
Mother Emirates ID No
Previous School Country*
Curriculum Completed:*
(For KG Type NA)
Guardian Marital Status    
Custody or Living with* If Others ,Name
Mobile No Relationship
Primary Mobile No : * Emergency Mobile No
SMSNo *    
Does your child have any allergy/any Medical Condition/any learning difficulty/challenge*
I give permission to IAS to use my child’s photograph or video footage in the school’s prospectus and other printed publications that will be produced for promotional purposes such as but not limited to school website, newsletters, annual yearbook, social media platforms or on project display boards.

Has your child repeated any grade/class?
Has your child received any academic assistance in addition to daily classes/ (special classes)?
Has your child been assessed or diagnosed with learning difficulties/?
Has your child received counselling or special support for behavioural reasons?
Has your child been suspended or dismissed from his/her previous school?
Has your child previously represented his/her school or community institutions in any sports, cultural, artistic or other activities?
Has your child previously been registered on a Gifted or Talented Program?
Sibling studying in this school?

Whether school transportation required :  
Recent Photograph of Student:  
Upload file<40KB  

Area : 
Pickup Point
DropOff Point

Student Emirates ID
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Student Passport
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Previoius Year Report Card
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First Term Report Card
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Electricity Bill or Premises ID No
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I certify that all information provided in the registration form is correct and complete. If the above information is found to be incorrect, I agree that the school has the right to withdraw my child registration, even after the school year begins. Agree with and support the school policy in managing student behavior and having unified rules and code of conduct to help students understand and apply school systems, respect others in all school facilities, and in case of repetition of abnormal behavior and after taking all actions. I agree that School has the right to dismiss the student. I certify that I have reviewed all of the above information and have been informed of the regulations, conditions and procedures for registering my Child. I hereby agree and authorize the school to use my child information in school database. I agree to the participation of my child in any educational activities organized by the school. This includes internal and external school activities such as field trips. If my child suffered any harm during his participation in such activities or during his/her transfer to and from the school, I agree that I will not hold the school or any IAS staff any responsibility. In case of emergency, the school undertakes to make every effort to communicate with the guardian. If this is not possible, the student will be transferred to the nearest hospital for treatment.